Over the past ten years we have been invited into various forays of the art scene in Toronto, Canada. The projects range from exhibition displays, vinyl, advertising, catalogues, brochures, posters, invitations, email invites, social media and websites. Above is only a sample of the work completed but we hope to give a general idea of some of the work possible and a nice range of work.
One of the samples is for a show called The Tales We Tell hosted at Lonsdale Gallery in Forest Hill Village a community in Toronto. This piece was unique since the gallery always gave us complete freedom to create whatever we would like and present one sample to them. Of course if they didn’t like it we would produce another, and another though they were always very accommodating– from the early conversations we could get a sense of what the show was about and from that create a piece that would help convey the over arching theme. For this particular project we wanted to give the idea of a storybook, but not one you would pick up as a child instead something you might find as a adult, with a touch of eerieness but once you made it past the first few pages you would fall in love with it.
We also never wanted to design to take away from the works of art. For the cards we intentionally kept all the type off the front of the cards and had one card made up for each artists. The size and rounded corners were to evoke the idea that these could each be tarot cards, yet another for of story telling that people may read into. Then came the elaborate vinyl in the window almost a crest of sorts. This caught many peoples eyes in the neighborhood and had many visitors in throughout the days.
Another piece that was very well received was the Knot show. This included a little sewing kit with the press package and invite. The entire show was based around works done in textile –hence it played out on the idea of a bright pink and 60’s sewing motif. We even had the front doors painted pink to match the vinyl.
Clients included: Lonsdale Gallery, The Distillery District, Sandra Ainsley Gallery, BCBC Projects, Gallery House, Can Stage, Ballet Jorgen, Soundstreams, and more.
For more information please contact us at info@ianmcfadyen.com